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Watch, live TV monitoring platform

Tracking TV investments of any brands in Europe ? It is possible... and it has never been so easy ! We explain how in this ebook !

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The Watch platform

Watch is the first SaaS platform dedicated to the monitoring of TV investments in Europe. Thanks to its proprietary Core Detect technology, detects in real time all TV streams broadcast in 5 European countries and on more than 90 channels.

With its 4 dashboards, Watch allows to follow and compare any brand(s) in TV :

#1 Library, to stream all TV creatives of the market.

#2 Media Analysis, to analyse competitors strategies.

#3 Context Analysis, to understand the TV context around these strategies.

#4 Cost Analysis, to follow the gross costs invested by brands on the TV medium.

In this ebook, discover in detail the platform and the analysis possibilities it offers !

1 detection technology

Go behind the scenes of's technology, on which the Watch platform is based.

A revolution in tracking TV advertising investments

From streaming creatives, to media plans, or tracking the amount of money invested... Access the information you need in a few clicks, thanks to Watch !

Use cases : how a brand or a media agence can use Watch on a daily basis ?

You need concrete examples to understand the interest of the platform and to project yourself ? We have thought of everything : you will find 2 case studies in this ebook. Ready to discover their experience of using the platform ?

Introduction to the platform

Library, Media Analysis, Context Analysis and Cost Analysis, we present the platform in all its details : features, widgets, analysis, etc. Watch will no longer hold any secrets for you !

Discover the Watch platform

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